Crew Manning Management & Bunkering



 In accordance with article 15 of law n ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, the website has been declared to the National Commission for Computing and Liberties (CNIL) . The user declares to have read the information below before visiting the website. By choosing to access the site, the user expressly and irrevocably accepts the terms below.

Intellectual property

 We inform you that any reproduction or total or partial representation, by any means whatsoever, of this site, logos, images that may appear therein is prohibited without the express authorization of “Crew Manning Consulting & Audits“. 

Web-site identification

Our website is accessible at :, it is edited by the company :Webmaster Gironde

Maintained by : Crew Manning Consulting & Bunkering

Email :

Statutory information

Registered in Bordeaux under number 894 729 474 00011
Phone number : +33 7 82 44 44 34
Email :
Adress : 2 Allée Pierre Duret – 33 320 Eysines – France

Hosting website

 LWS ( – Ligne Web Services)
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Use of cookies

Our website only uses cookies dedicated to analytics and is totally respectful of your privacy.
No personal data of the User is collected except for the contact form,
We only use cookies that are essential in order to guarantee the user the proper functioning of the website and allows its improvement.
This processing is not subject to the consent of the User

General Data Protection Regulation

As part of the consultation of our website , you are required to provide us your personal data.

We use your data to:
∙ Answer to your requests regarding your Consulting needs
∙ Respond to all other information requests.

Your personal data is kept for periods determined with regard to our purposes.
In accordance with the regulations applicable to the protection of personal data, you have a right of access, rectification, erasure, opposition, limitation and portability.
To exercise your rights, you can write to us, attaching proof of identity to :